Dedicated Servers / Linux How to create ext3 filesystem using mke2fs? Answer: well, sometimes on older / embedded system mkfs.ext3 might not be available, but mke2fs, so what you do it create ...
Dedicated Servers / Linux How to disable fsck upon startup? Answer: not that this is recommended but with a journaling file system you should be fine in most cases, so:
tune2fs -i ...
Dedicated Servers / Linux How do I change the timezone within Debian? Answer:
well that one is pretty simple, just call:
and set it to whatever you please. If you do not want to ...
General / Windows ( XP / Vista / 7 ) How to format a USB stick with NTFS in Windows XP? Answer: While sadly Microsoft has removed FAT32 support from everything but USB sticks, they also didn´t include the ability to format ...
Dedicated Servers / Daemon / MySQL How to create MySQL dumps? Answer: As you have to move a MySQL database from one server to another you might run into troubles. Tools like ...
Dedicated Servers / Linux How do I upgrade CPAN? Answer:
well, first of all, be sure what you are doing! Usually your distribution comes with some version of CPAN and works ...